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Kenpo testing kiss of the dragon

Training Pedigree

Martial Arts Experience

American Kenpo 

3rd Degree Black Belt

Bryan Hawkins Kenpo Karate (Ed Parker - Bryan Hawkins Lineage)

Primary Instructors Mr. Bryan Hawkins and Mr. Wes Idol

2014 - Present


Coszacks Karate

1st Degree Black Belt

Coszacks Karate Club 

Primary Instructor: Grandmaster Hardwick

Black Belt Earned 1994


Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)

Blue Belt

Dynamix MMA

Primary Instructor: Gustavo Gasperin 

July 2020 - October 2022

Gracie Allegiance Ohio

Primary Instructor: Jason Cable

November 2022 - Present


Tae Kwon Do (TKD)

1st Degree Black Belt

Jun Chong Martial Arts Academy

Primary Instructors: Master Armen Safaryan (tested white  belt through blue belts and black belt) & Grandmaster Chong (tested green belts through red belts)

2018 - 2022



1st Degree Black Belt

Jun Chong Martial Arts Academy

Primary Instructors: Master Armen Safaryan (tested white  belt through blue belts and black belt) & Grandmaster Chong (tested green belts through red belts)

2018 - 2022


Dutch Kickboxing / Muay Thai

Dynamix MMA

Primary Instructors: AJ Barnala Antoni Hardonk

2020 - 2022



Dynamix MMA

Primary Instructor: Vlad Matyushenko

2020 - 2022

Ian Lauer with TKD instructor Grandmaster Jun Chong
Grandmaster Carley Gracie with Ian Lauer for his Blue Belt Promotion (2).jpg
Ian Lauer and friends at a Kenpo blackbelt gathering with Master Pick and Mr. Idol

Instructor's Impressions

After Black Belt testing with Master Hawkins.jpg

"I have been involved in the Martial Arts for almost 50 years as a student, competitor, and instructor. I was honored to be a student of the late Grandmaster Edmund Parker, known as the "Father of American Karate”, and worked directly with him as the manager of his flagship school in West Los Angeles until his untimely death in 1990.


In 1991 1 opened my own Dojo and now own and operate three schools in the Los Angeles area and oversee many satellite schools in United States and abroad. I've had the pleasure to teach literally thousands of students during my career thus far and I can say with all honesty Mr. Ian Lauer is absolutely one of the best students I have ever trained. Mr. Lauer is a man of many talents off the mat, being a stunt man, fight choreographer, actor, professional bodybuilder, personal trainer, and nutritionist. He is truly a man of diverse skills and assets as a martial artist.


Not only does he have in-depth experience with other martial art styles, such as taekwondo and jujitsu, but as a Kenpoist he is extremely well rounded. Generally, most of the Black Belts I have produced over the years have a special ability to either simply be a practitioner, or have the necessary skills to teach adults, and sometimes have the "instructor patience" required to teach kids. Mr. Lauer possesses excellence in all three of these areas. He moves extremely well as a practitioner, both with empty hands and with weapons as well as being a wonderful communicator as an instructor to both kids, adults, and students of all ranks! That is truly a rare quality!


Possibly, though, his greatest attribute as a Kenpo Karate Instructor is the self-discipline he possesses and exudes in his everyday actions on and off the mat. Ian Lauer truly is the embodiment of what a fully qualified Kenpo blackbelt instructor should be. He exemplifies the qualities of self-discipline and self-defense, humbly uniting both the scholar and the warrior. It is this unity that then becomes the cornerstone of our Kenpo Karate.


Mr. Lauer certainly leads by example. I would strongly advise you to follow him."


Master Bryan Hawkins, 9th Degree American Kenpo Black Belt & United Kenpo Systems President

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